Therapy Services: Tailored Rehabilitation at Home

Empowering Recovery with Customized Therapy Plans

Our therapy services, including physical, occupational, and speech therapy, are designed to promote recovery and independence in the comfort of home. By tailoring our plans to each client’s needs, we ensure effective rehabilitation and a path towards optimal health and functionality.

Crescent's Comprehensive Therapy Solutions

Our physical therapists treat patients in the comfort of their home for unsteady gait, dizziness and balance disorder, muscle weakness, lack of endurance/functional capacity and diminished ambulatory skills. Our therapists work with patients on fall prevention and balance/coordination training, recovering and restoring functional independence, improving strength and endurance, retraining in safe functional mobility and safe ambulatory skills on levels, stairs/steps and uneven surface management with or without assistive devices and designing individualized Home Exercise Programs (HEP) for follow up after discharge from services independently or with the help of a caregiver.

Our occupational therapists will develop a care plan that will incorporate the techniques necessary for safe and independent self care and cognitive training. Patients are trained on safe grooming, dressing techniques for upper and lower body, transfers in shower/tub, bathing, toileting and use of adaptive devices for safe management of activities of daily living (ADLs).

Our speech therapists serve individuals with profound speech and language issues, memory issues and swallowing difficulties due to a variety of neurological or physiological reasons. They use expertise and knowledge of augmentative communication devices and language stimulation and assist in improving swallowing disorders and communicative activities for daily living.

Are you Getting the Home Health Services that You Need?

This useful checklist helps you compare the services Crescent provides in Illinois and Missouri with those of other home health agencies.
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